Rape and sexual abuse

What is rape and sexual abuse?

Rape is the intentional penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth with a penis, without consent.

Sexual abuse is any other sort of sexual contact and behaviour that is unwanted.

Both of these offences can be committed against men and women. Rape and sexual abuse is always a crime, whether it’s committed by a partner, friend or a stranger.

If you are in a relationship with someone it does not give them the right to have sex with you. Consent is required each and every time you have sex.

How we can help

The Signal team is a dedicated team of highly-trained officers who can help you.

The team is fully aware that rape and sexual abuse are very difficult and sensitive crimes to report.

The earlier you report the crime the better. Do not wash yourself or your clothes and do not move or clean the scene that the offence took place. There could be vital forensic evidence.

If the crime took place sometime ago please still report it. We do understand that there are many reasons why people do not feel able to report rape or sexual abuse at the time. We will always investigate an allegation no matter how much time may have passed since the incident happened.

If you want to report a rape or sexual abuse:

A referral can be made for a sexual violence advisor who can support you every step of the way.

Whether or not you decide to go ahead with prosecution, you should get medical attention for any injuries.

You many also need emergency contraception and you should also be check for any sexually transmitted infections.

If you are unsure whether to report to the police you can still get support from other services. Juniper Lodge can discuss your options and can even carry out a forensic medical (if within forensic timescale) and store samples taken without involving the police to give you some times and space to make a decision.

Steps you can take to protect yourself becoming a victim or suspect

Where you can go for further help and support

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